Saturday, August 13, 2011

Midnight Train.

Last night, for a stagette I went to the Red Piano, a dueling piano bar in West Edmonton Mall. If you have never been to a dueling piano bar, there are usually three-four musician/singers who play requests from the audience all evening long.

Whenever you open yourself up to audience requests, you never know what you are going to get; there could be anything from a  "Nora Jones/Slayer" request (oh yah, it happened) to an obscure song none of the musicians know, and everything in between.

But no matter what happens, you can be sure that one song in particular will be played. Sing-a-long and don't be shy!

C'mon... You all know it...

"Just a small town girl...."


The opening riff is enough to make anyone giddy with excitement.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love Journey. And I know everyone else loves "Don't Stop Believin'" too.

What I don't understand so much is why.  No other rock ballad from the early 80's (or any other year, for that matter) has succeeded in capturing the hearts and firing the imagination of so many generations. Some of it's fans weren't born when the song came out... Some of them weren't even born when the band broke up (the second time).

Maybe it's the iconic melody... maybe it's the freedom-inspiring lyrics... maybe it's Steve Perry's angsty sounding vocals that we all connect with. But one thing is certain - it is popular.

Don't believe me? Type the word "don't" into Google and see what's the first thing that pops up.

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