Sunday, August 28, 2011

Car Dance.

The other day, my brother and I were driving out to the family cabin on the way to Innisfail for a wedding. Just south of Ferintosh on Highway 21, we passed a driver who was rocking out to some serious tunes. Head banging away, he was feeling the music in a way that his passenger obviously wasn't (staring sullenly out the front window).

We shared a good laugh, and decided we would do an experiment. The next few times a car drives by, we will pretend to car dance in an absolutely absurd and over-the-top way, just to see if the other cars' occupants notice.

Just as a black Ford Mustang appeared over the next hill, we started groovin' like our lives depended on it. (I don't know what was even playing- it didn't matter.)

Not only did the driver of the Mustang notice, he had his window rolled down, and pumped his entire arm out the window! Slapping the steering wheel with the other hand, he sped past us, bopping away, shouting "Yeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa!" down the highway.


We almost had to pull over we were laughing so hard. Subsequent trials with other cars yielded no results - this was clearly a one time thing.

It makes you wonder just how much we miss when we go through life without stopping to look around and notice the little things. There is so much enjoyment to be had from the most mundane things (like a good car dance) if we only stop and notice it.

(For those of you who are not initiated into the ways of the car dance... I give you this instructional video...)

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