Saturday, January 25, 2014


So... I sprained my ankle last weekend.

For the past week, I have been incapable of putting on actual shoes, going down stairs slower than 90 year old men, mooching rides off friends and coworkers  (hello, yesterday's ride home in a Jag...) and being generally laid up.

It's particularly hard for me to stay off my ankle. Don't get me wrong, I love to rest, relax, and be lazy with the best of them... But only when I want to. When I have to?? It drives me nuts. 

Hasn't been too bad at school all week, but a weekend at home with no car? Sheesh. I did all kinds of things around the house today when I probably should have been sitting with my foot up... I realigned the drawer under my stove... Checked the fluids in my car (coolant is low)... Did three loads of laundry.... Rearranged some of the pictures on my walls (which included moving these prints by the art teacher at my school into the hallway where they can be appreciated more than in my room)....

Many more days like this and I will have all my Spring cleaning done... in the dead of winter. 

Monday, January 20, 2014


We have been having some really, really unseasonably warm weather. Sunny, up to +5 several days in a row, +8 one day. (And in the States they were freaked out about the polar vortex. Bah. The weather where you are on a particular day doesn't translate to a climate trend! AH!)

One of the consequences of  all this nice weather, is melting. A LOT of melting. And the problem with lots of melting when you've had lots of snow, is that the water doesn't have anywhere to go. And the roads turn into giant skating rinks.

Icy roads are okay. Sanding crews come out, roads get bladed, drains unblocked... it sucks, but it is nothing, NOTHING, compared to the icy sidewalks and residential paths.

I had a bit of a doozy of a fall on some ice by my house last night. Body went one way, foot went another. Hobbling around today like an old person. I can walk upstairs just fine, but I had to take the elevator down at school three times today.

My father loaned me an old, retractable cane he had floating around that used to belong to my grandmother.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I admit it.

I have been avoiding blogging. 

Regardless of what I post, blogging causes me to think about what's going on in my life and reflect. Which is what I like about it. 

However, right now I am facing some serious job uncertainty, which causes all sorts of panic inducing, sweaty palmed stress, so I am avoiding thinking about it. There are only 15 days until my contract expires, and I know nothing either way. Not blogging helps me not think about it, and prevents the gut-wrenching anxiety. 

In other news, my father got a fabulous popcorn maker for his birthday, and I am addicted to homemade kettle corn. Seriously... Making it all in one pot? Genius.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


It's January 2nd and the holidays feel like eons ago. Strange how quickly you slip into a routine... It's utterly bizarre school will be back in in about 4 days. 

Quick trip to Ikea with Michelle today... it rained, in a bout of unseasonal mildness. The snow was perfect today, so her little man and I made fist sized snowmen in the slushy stuff after. 

Time to take down the tree, make healthier eating choices, and ponder if I want to make resolutions beyond my usual long term goals for 2014.