Monday, January 20, 2014


We have been having some really, really unseasonably warm weather. Sunny, up to +5 several days in a row, +8 one day. (And in the States they were freaked out about the polar vortex. Bah. The weather where you are on a particular day doesn't translate to a climate trend! AH!)

One of the consequences of  all this nice weather, is melting. A LOT of melting. And the problem with lots of melting when you've had lots of snow, is that the water doesn't have anywhere to go. And the roads turn into giant skating rinks.

Icy roads are okay. Sanding crews come out, roads get bladed, drains unblocked... it sucks, but it is nothing, NOTHING, compared to the icy sidewalks and residential paths.

I had a bit of a doozy of a fall on some ice by my house last night. Body went one way, foot went another. Hobbling around today like an old person. I can walk upstairs just fine, but I had to take the elevator down at school three times today.

My father loaned me an old, retractable cane he had floating around that used to belong to my grandmother.


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