Monday, September 12, 2011


I love books.

There is something soothing about cuddling up on a rainy day with a hot, steaming mug of tea in one hand, and a beloved book in the other. A day spent lounging in the sun is also made better with a good book in tow.

I am also not a book snob; almost all books have an equal share of my affection. My personal bookshelf is teeming with novels (both good and trashy) of all persuasions (mystery, fantasy, romance, historical, graphic), biographies, science literature...

While I have a fairly decent collection of books, it's kind of my addiction... there is always one more book I would love to have! I dream of one day having a room devoted entirely to books (preferably one with a ladder to reach the top!). So when I stumbled upon this website... Words cannot describe my envy.

Kind of reminds me of this...

...droool.... Excuse me whilst I pick my chin up off the floor.

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