Tuesday, September 27, 2011


So this weekend I was gifted some potatoes. And by some I mean about 10kg. In short, lots of potatoes.

I gave away a bunch, and still had heaps of potatoes. So, I purchased a bunch more leeks and decided to turn some of the potatoes into soup.

"Well, there's yer problem!"

This morning, I was in the middle of blending a batch in my trusty blender the blender I inherited from my grandmother, when pfffffttttt a bunch of smoke shot out of the bottom, along with some pulverized rubber pieces. I'm no expert, but I'd say that's not good.

So now I have no blender. And chunky soup.

Now I can't decide whether I should get another blender (which I rarely use) or a food processor (which I've never owned before).

Thoughts? Anyone prefer one over the other?


Vince said...

Food processors have more power and are more durable. If you want to mix drinks, get a drink mixer.

Sandi said...

Thanks Vince! That's what I'm leaning towards.

My friends have a drink mixer... it's EPIC.

L.N.J. said...
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L.N.J. said...

I mostly make breakfast smoothies, but I often wish I could grate a block of cheese in a food processor. I've found recently that the little hand blenders are great for drinks and small amounts of food and they're also fairly cheap. If I were in your shoes, I would probably invest in the food processor and get the small blender on the side for drinks... unless you're mixing for a crowd!