Monday, February 6, 2012

Cinnamon Buns.

In case you haven't noticed, I love to bake.

The problem I have with baking, however, is that I don't always want to eat what I make. Sure, I might want ONE cupcake, but you can't just make one cupcake. You have to make 30 cupcakes.

The other night I was over come with the urge to do some baking. And more specifically, I had the greatest urge to make cinnamon buns. So I hopped on over to my best bud Lindsey's blog to find her recipe for sticky buns.

In hindsight, caving to this particular urge wasn't the best idea. At 6 pm when it struck me, I didn't have any yeast or eggs. And as much as I enjoyed making the buns, waiting for things to come out of the oven around 11:30 at night isn't the brightest idea. (Note to self: next time, start earlier.)

However, when they were finally ready, they smelled heavenly. And they tasted pretty darn good too. Not a bad first attempt.

There are a few changes I made when I went along, and a few I would make in the future. I only had soy milk, but that didn't seem to make a significant difference to the dough. And since I don't have a stand mixer, I mixed and kneaded all by myself, so I was very proud when the dough turned out looking great. I'm not really one for pecans, so I passed those by in favor of making half my batch with raisins, and half plain.

Unfortunately, my oven seems to be a bit hotter than Lindz's, because 40 minutes at 350 was too much - the outsides of the buns are a bit dry, and the filling kinda caramelized onto the bottom of the pan. But when you drizzle it with cream cheese icing (oh yes) who's going to notice?


Dominique said...

om nom nom

Lindsey said...

Now you're making ME want to make some! Yours are beautiful! Om nom nom indeed!