Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year.

Happy 2012 everyone!

I cannot believe that Christmas and New Year's Eve have come and gone so quickly. I was levelled with the flu immediately after Christmas, which put a crimp in my holiday plans.

I don't typically make New Year's Resolutions. However, there were so many people I wanted to see while they were home this holiday that I didn't manage to connect with thanks to a nasty flu, I think a marvellous resolution for me would be to grab life by the horns more frequently than I have been, and try not to let opportunities slip past as often as I have.

Aside from sickness, it has been a lovely holiday so far. Just the right balance of ruckus partying and simple celebrating. The thing I cherish most about the holidays is being surrounded by those who are special to me, and my NYE was just that. A small gathering of friends who are like family out at the cabin, where we ate (too much), drank (also too much), ooh-ed and aah-ed at fireworks, and danced the night away.

1 comment:

JD said...

Lovely! I typically don't have any new year resolutions either but being surrounded by people who love you is not a bad one! Lovely post!