Friday, November 8, 2013


Went out last night to a music show of some former students who are in a Lumineers style band. Bit of a dive bar, but they were excited to get out of coffee shops and play in a bar. Poor acoustics in the room, but they were champs.

Towards the end of their set, Jacob Hoggard and the band Hedley came in for a drink, which excited all their friends. Pretty cool for the boys to have a big time act buy them a shot after their first bar show!

Remembrance Day ceremony today- I was proud I didn't need to beat my students to get them to behave... They can be a rowdy bunch but deep down they had the maturity not to complain while standing out in the snow for half an hour to honor the even greater sacrifices of others. 
And yes. I am aware that I spelt "Remembrance" wrong.

Today was also the last day before our Fall Break- goodness knows the kids need it just as much as I do. They've been chomping at the bit all week. Driving me bonkers. That sort of thing. I'm looking forward to relaxing on my break... Starting with a wedding tomorrow. 

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