Thursday, November 14, 2013


Wedding dress shopping for Dom today was a total success! We went to Novelle, which is a boutique some of my other friends had recommended, and had a fabulous experience. Much better than our last experience. Plus, Dom is gonna look like a superstar!!! Such a pretty dress. We also got our bridesmaid dresses all sorted out, which made for a long, but awesome, bridal party shopping trip.

Today marks the end of my self-imposed challenge to blog every day for a month. Didn't always get it done (curse things like weddings getting in the way), but overall I enjoyed it. I forced myself to look at what I did everyday, and even though I couldn't always blog about it, it got me thinking more about how I spend my time. And was a much more easy way of journaling than I used to do. 

I think for the next month I will try to keep to a Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday schedule, or something similar. 

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