Saturday, February 23, 2013


So proud of my students. They were so great at the MUN conference this weekend. It's not super competitive, but hey, we took home half the top delegate awards, and only accounted for 14 of the 400 students there. Natch.

Best moment of the weekend occurred between my Security Council boy (who shall henceforth be known as China) and some kid representing Russia.

Russia, by being very unaware of his own foreign policy, has screwed over China, leaving China to pick up the pieces and prevent World War III, no thanks to Russia. China is royally pissed off, and at the end of Fridays debate tells me that "Russia is going down tomorrow."

At this point, Russia saunters over.

Russia (enthusiastically): "Nuclear high five!"
China: "We are not friends."

China leaves Russia hanging and walks away.

I shouldn't be proud of that moment, but I am.

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