Saturday, December 14, 2013


Last weekend was a potato themed food club. Seemed like a good time to try something I've been wanting to do homemade for a while... vegetable samosas!

I used this recipe for dough from Williams Sonoma... and it was awesome and easy. Fries up really similar to naan. I will probably be trying it with other stuffing in the future.

For the filling, I adapted this recipe. I substituted ground ginger for crushed, because that was what I had. I also didn't have any coriander seeds. Nor do I have any idea what amchur powder is, so I left that out too.

I found it a bit lacking in taste (maybe the kind of chili I used, or my spices aren't the freshest any more) so I doubled up some of the spices (but not the turmeric. I want to have my frying pan be a color other than yellow someday soon.) and added extra peas and some corn.

Fried them up in a bit of oil... and they were really tasty! As I said, I was really impressed with the pastry. I mixed up some tandoori dip to serve them with, but they were especially good with Lindsey's tzatziki.

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