Monday, April 1, 2013


This past Easter weekend was very relaxing. Had a fab time at the lake - enjoyed the nice weather a little too much... got a sizable sunburn from sitting outside reading.
Cute little fuzzies.
Dom and I took a little adventure over to the farm to check out the brand new calves! It was a very informative morning, as neither of use really knew that much about cattle farming.
Hello, cow friend.

Cows are very curious, but pretty dumb. They will come within a couple feet of you, stare and sniff, but if you approach or move suddenly they run away.


Very, very pregnant.
Two days old!
Unrelated... but we visited horses too!


Dominique said...

WOW the texture in those photos is so crisp and beautiful! Takes me right back! lol good work

Sandi said...

Thanks! We had good lighting!