Sunday, April 14, 2013


My students love their cell phones. And I mean LOVE their phones. Bordering on unhealthy obsession. Addiction.

It's a huge problem at school, and one with no clear solution. I mean, I could spend my entire day dealing with nothing but their cell phones. Not the hill I want to die on.

So, since it's such a problem, I bet my grade 10 class that I didn't think they could go the full 80 minutes without a phone being used. I didn't want to see a phone, iPod, nothing.

Needless to say, they didn't make the full 80 minutes before someone cracked. My grade 11's maintained it was because grade 10's have no self control, and proceeded to go the full 80 minutes with not a single cell phone sighting. If thy went to the bathroom, they left them behind.

Took my grade 10's three days to finally get it.

So, I owe my classes cupcakes.

They'll be happy. And I was happy. Got a couple phone-free days out of the deal.

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