Thursday, July 12, 2012

Watermelon Lemonade.

"The night is young, Arthur, and we have umbrellas in our drinks."
So... it's been REALLY HOT lately. Now, I like hot weather (especially after the 9 months of winter we tend to get) but when it is still 30 degrees in my house at 2 am when I want to go to sleep... well, that's a bit hot for me.

I am pretty useless in hot weather (so perhaps my chosen profession and location are good ones.) so I've been trying to find little things I can do to escape the heat. I found this recipe on Pinterest and thought it would be an excellent way to combat the heat, and use up some of the strawberries I had in my fridge (and take my new immersion blender for a test run... it's pretty fantastic!).

It was pretty tasty! I scaled it down from what they have in the actual recipe, but probably should have used more water/sprite because it was a bit thick. Quite refreshing on a hot, humid day!


Lindsey said...

I made this last night (kind of)too! Did one blender of watermelon, strawberries and gingerale, then another blender of crushed ice, lemon juice, sugar, a lot of mint and the rest of the ginger ale. Then mixed them together! It was described by my friend Chris as "the best smoothie type drink I've ever had." Definitely a good pinterest find.

Sandi said...

Oooh That sounds good!