Wednesday, July 27, 2011


This spring, I decided to take up running. (I KNOW!)

If you know me... this is rather unusual.

I am not a runner; never have been able to do it without heaving and gasping and ending up in a drooling heap at the end. Maybe this is because most of my running experiences involved junior high phys-ed (so many memories I prefer to block out...)

In any case, I decided to take up some physical activity after too long a period of NOT doing any, and running seemed like a cheap, long term, healthy choice.

Surprisingly, I enjoy it.

Maybe it's the solitary aspect of it... no one beside me who is NOT heaving to judge me (I like to think that the people who drive by look at me and think "she must be going a long distance... good for her!" when really, I am doing a 2k loop through my neighborhood)

Or it could be the fact that I feel pretty good afterwards (while I'm running I want to die, but 20 minutes after I get home when my legs stop throbbing, I feel pretty darn good).

Unfortunately, running hasn't happened a whole lot lately, for two reasons...

1. Mosquitos. If you have been anywhere near the Edmonton area in the past month, you'll know what I'm talking about. They have been BAD this year, due to a crazy  unseasonable amount of rain. (I know Edmontonians have a bit of a reputation for complaining about these things, but trust me... they were BAD!) Not only have there been a lot, but they were persistant, ambitious, huge mutant buggers who, upon being smacked against a convenient thigh, would drop, shake it off, and come back in for another try. The few times I tried running in June/July, I would make it a few hundred meters from my door, swatting my head frantically like a woman possessed, say "fuck it" and go home to do Pilates instead.

2. Ankle troubles.  It's kind of an embarassing story... We went to a group pole-dancing lesson for my friend Penny's stagette, and I somehow managed to high sprain my ankle. It's not NEARLY as "exotic" or "sexy" as the story may sound... Regardless, I injured my ankle, and am supposed to treat it with kid gloves until it gets better. The problem is, every time it seems like it's getting better, I think "oh, I can do <insert random activity here> again!" and stress it all over again. (It's been two months now... and my "pole dancing injury" still won't go away!)

Needless to say, there hasn't been a whole lot of running lately. But I did manage to get out this morning before it got too hot, and I'm feeling pretty good. Not good enough to go out and do it again... more like I can justify sitting out on my porch with some homemade iced tea and a good book.

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