Sunday, November 18, 2012


I love reading, yet I don't read as often as I would like. Sometimes I think I should do something about it, but then it usually becomes pretty clear why I don't read too often. I don't like delays in books; I have a very hard time spreading out the reading, putting a book down and picking it up again in a few days... I like to read NOW, which usually involves sacrificing other things that need to get done.

I figured this break from school would be a good time to do some reading- what does it matter if I stay up late reading? I don't have to teach tomorrow. I started reading Leonie Swann's Three Bags Full on the recommendation of my teacher librarian. It's a delightful mystery about a flock of sheep who turn detective when their shepherd is murdered.

It really does keep you guessing until the end, because the sheep are unreliable narrators. Not purposefully, but there are a lot of things about humans they don't get, and if they don't know what something is, how can I? There is an entire chapter where the flock finds "a Thing" and it takes several pages before they describe it well enough to figure out what it is. These moments keep the book light and funny, and I thoroughly enjoyed such a different mystery.

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