Sunday, October 21, 2012


I had an awesome, relaxing weekend. Got mostly caught up on school stuff, house is relatively clean, and I have some groceries. What more could a girl ask for?

Next week is my turn to host book club (this month: Gods Behaving Badly), and I want to make some snacks for the evening. I found a recipe for candied popcorn (where else... pinterest) that looked so tasty, I thought I would try it out in advance! (recipe here... )

Warning: this stuff is like crack. So addicting. I made mine with cherry jello powder. I didn't do much to change the recipe, except 300 would have been WAY to hot. I started the cooking at 250 and after 5 minutes the bottom tray was getting dark, so I dropped the temp to 200 and left them in the oven for half an hour.

1 comment:

Dominique said...

SWEET!!! Yeah book club next tuesday, I almost forgot!! :D